centre - rose quartz
12 o’clock - green aventurine
2 o’clock - amethyst
5 o’clock - blue apatite
7 o’clock - clear quartz
10 o’clock - yellow citrine
I have to say, I was a little sceptical about the use of crystals/stones in therapies generally. I had purchased a few rough stones (rose and clear quartz, amethyst, yellow citrine, green aventurine and blue apatite), mainly because they are lovely colours. I had used my green aventurine for when I had a cold months ago as green aventurine has healing influences on the sinuses and lungs, it is also good for guarding the body against infection (Hall, 2005). I went to sleep full of a nasty cold and woke up breathing freely without any respiratory blockages. The sceptic in me said it may have just been potluck rather than the stone.
After this, in all honesty, my collection at home got neglected. Until my wonderful massage course weekend this month. We played around with chakras and crystal pendants. Our teacher showed us that crystals respond to subtle energy vibrations (such as chakras). When we held a pendant over chakra areas on the body (spinning wheels of energy) the pendant too would move in the ‘wheels’ direction (unless there was a blockage, and we learnt how to help unblock this). The crystal responded to my teacher giving it directions. For example, my teacher said, ‘give me a yes’ and it moved, then when she said ‘give me a no’ it moved in a completely different way. I have to say, I now excited to use crystals more often for myself and in my therapies… if that is something my client is wanting.
At the moment, I use crystals in groups, letting participants pick a small tumble stone, and say why they were drawn to that one, in particular. We discuss what uses that stone could have for them (if they want to talk about it). I find crystals a useful tool to highlight to ourselves areas in life that need more time and attention.
A little about my small collection:
Rose Quartz – the master healer for the heart and emotions, a useful stone for love, grief and forgiveness, this stone can be used in trauma or crisis as it is deeply soothing and helps assist accepting change, helpful for mental clarity and clear expression, helps with self-acceptance. Healing influences on: heart, lungs, kidneys, genitals, liver, thymus, adrenal glands, circulatory and lymphatic systems and works on the heart chakra (Hall, 2005).
Clear Quartz – containing the full spectrum of visible light, clear quartz is the master healer for the mind and crown chakra, it works on many levels and can bring harmony to the entire body system, it amplifies energy and so can be useful if held during affirmations, it can unlock memories and strengthens concentration. Works on all organs, pituitary and pineal glands, immune system, and harmonises all chakras but actives the highest crown chakra (Hall, 2005).
Amethyst – the healer of emotions and spirit, activates intuition and focuses attention on higher realms, an effective pain reliever that transforms blockages at any level, boosts and regulates the production of hormones which can be beneficial for the menopause. Healing influences on: lungs, intestines, brain, pineal gland, many body systems, and works on the brow, throat and crown chakras (Hall, 2005).
Yellow Citrine – gentler than crystal quartz, capable of melting tension and pain, encourages the gentle flow of warming energies that create a sense of wellbeing and rebalances the body, dissolves stress caused by money worries, energises and balances the solar plexus chakra, being yellow in colour stands for happiness and knowledge. Healing influences on: memory, anxiety, depression, digestive system, allergies and detoxifies all chakras but opens the solar plexus chakra (Eason, 2001).
Green Aventurine – an excellent all-round healer bringing wellbeing and calm, it promotes tranquillity, resonates with the heart chakra so acts as a heart protector and healer, extends beyond the heart and neutralises the environment, a positive stone that attracts abundance and good fortune to life. Healing influences on: heart, lungs, sinuses, eyes, thymus and adrenal glands, connective tissue, nervous and muscular systems, works mainly on the heart chakra (Hall, 2005).
Blue Apatite - known for its power to achieve goals, clears away confusion, negativity, and then stimulates the expansion of knowledge and truth, a stone of the throat chakra, it helps with communication. Apatite helps eliminate over-activity, under-activity, blockages and congestion in all of the chakras. Healing influences on: bones and teeth, cartilage, and is useful in the treatments for rickets, joint problems, arthritis, and motor skills, it is generally supportive in healing all glands, meridians, and organs, and reduces hypertension (crystalvaults.com).
There is way more to know about these crystals, this is not an extensive list of their uses.