Thought challenging is an untangling technique for the mind. It asks that you consider things from a different perspective.
Firstly, thought challenging can feel unnatural, especially for the first few times. It would be advised that you use this technique at home for thoughts that have some flexibility and aren’t particularly upsetting. If you have a friend or family member you trust and find non-judgemental, it can be helpful to work with them, as they can offer a different perspective. Write down your answers and findings. Do something pleasant and relaxing after this activity, to give yourself some head space. To tackle heavily fixed thoughts, or incredibly upsetting thoughts, you may need help from a professional.
Here we go!
1. Can you identify the type of unhelpful thought? Or any patterns of unhelpful thinking? SEE PREVIOUS POST.
2. Is there any evidence that contradicts this thought (please see below for an activity*)?
3. What would you say to a friend who had thought this in a similar situation?
4. What are the costs and benefits of thinking this way?
5. How will you feel about this in 6 months’ time?
6. Is there another way to look at the situation?
*Some find it helpful to imagine the thought is being questioned in court.
Write everything down that is EVIDENCE that the thought is true
Write everything down that is EVIDENCE that the thought is false
-This does not work if you include opinion or include other unhelpful thinking types as evidence
-You can be as creative as you like with this, fancy dress is nothing to be ashamed of!
Try to remember that thoughts are only thoughts, they have the weight and importance that you give to them.
Following this template successfully should provide you with a BALANCED THOUGHT!